The Evolution of the Travel Agency Business Model

A large number of travellers have switched to online travel portals to book their trip, where they can spend their most comfortable time and save travel costs. It’s a natural transition, because they’re constantly on platforms such as to cater to their online entertainment needs, so naturally they’d look in the same place for some information regarding the organisation of their trips.

There are several different business models that can be applied to the way travel agents from 2019 going forward, to make money and we will explain them more detail below. Of course we’re taking into account the so-called “new normal,” in the wake of the global pandemic we’re essentially still all dealing with.

The global travel and tourism industry is growing at a rapid rate, inviting new businesses and providing fertile space for existing companies to thrive. Travel itself is likely to benefit from this change, and travel professionals will be among the beneficiaries. Look for growth in the following areas: Travel is a high-return, complex transaction where agents can generate high commissions and service fees. 

This has led many businesses to use the services of Travel Management Companies (TMC), which have the right connections to different hotels around the world and are working to offer the best value for their customers. 

If you are an in-house agent for a travel agency, staffing positions within an agency are rare, and they usually require you to receive a base salary and commission split. This will vary from agency to agency depending on your level of experience. Independent travel agents can earn 90-100% commission, especially in high season, and agents often need little assistance from a host agency. 

In the case of hotel chains, prices and commissions are set by the agency and the travel company, which decides whether or not to sign the most profitable deal for them. In this case, the commission of 7.20% remains. 

They also receive their commission from certain providers, such as hotel room bookings. Transport companies are willing to pay a commission to the customer. Travel agencies also charge extra service fees for the services they provide and take care of the bookings they make besides the prices charged for bookings made by airlines, shipping companies, hotels and rental companies. 

The high-end clientele who book luxury products not only generates more revenue for you, but they also need the value and services of a travel agency because they are busy entrepreneurs and businessmen. 

If you don’t have many group or individual bookings, you can combine holiday packages for larger groups for a sweet commission. The people with whom you play pokies online are likely also interested in travelling, in the same way that you are. For the same amount of work, you could put together a package for two people and do it for 50 people travelling together. The business is secure, but logistics can be tedious if you are not the right tool, and the accompanying commission check may be worth it. 

If you are busy and want to increase your income then the best way to do this is to figure out how to make more commission from each sale.

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