Even solo travellers will tell you that one of the best parts about travelling is indeed meeting new people from all corners of the globe, more so because they really choose to travel solo as a result of not really having anyone to travel with. This isn’t a discussion about solo travellers though, but rather one about a specific type of traveller who in actual fact shared some rather interesting pointers about his life as a travelling professional gambler. Click here today to take a look at one of the newest and best online gambling platforms on the market.
There are quite a lot of these so-called digital nomads, many of whom make their money in what appears to be the very risky channel of professional online gambling via a gambling site or situs judi for Indonesian readers. But hey, it seems to be working for some of them, one of which in particular was forthcoming enough to share with me that he actually supplements his actual gambling income with the publication of betting strategies and lifestyle blog posts, but he makes a decent enough amount of money by playing a number of different casino games, like those found at https://thisisstory.com, to earn the right to refer to it as a profession.
So anyway, this travelling pro-gambler buddy of mine shared with me some tips on how to gauge the legitimacy of an online casino as there are many such platforms which aren’t quite honest about the manner through which they run their operations. It’s a matter of greed and a lot of invisible strings are sometimes pulled behind the scenes, ultimately resulting in an online gambling environment which isn’t fair on even the luckiest or most skilled of gamblers.
Not all online casino games platforms are like this though and those which are worth the loyalty of their patronage earn that loyalty through nothing more than integrity and they can generally be spotted through the following:
Security checks
The security checks don’t have to be all that rigorous, with something as simple as being prompted to supply information which matches your credit card sufficing.
Online Gaming License
Nowadays, any respectable online casino that wants to build a household name must obtain a legal online gaming license. This can be done with the help of any respective regulating body, one of which is the Kahnawake Gaming Commission. If you are not familiar with it is advisable to read the Guide to Kahnawake Casinos.
Diverse platform compatibility
A fly-by-night online betting platform is not likely to invest millions of dollars developing their platform across different devices, so if the casino perhaps has a mobile version in addition to the web version that would generally be a good sign of legitimacy. The most common way for people to bet on sports today is via nationbets
Different account funding and winnings withdrawal methods
If there is only one funding and withdrawal method offered then this is a sign that you should perhaps stay away from that particular online casino platform, unless of course that solitary payment processing method is PayPal, which is a special case.
PayPal as a payment processor
So yeah, I might have mentioned that different account funding and winnings withdrawal methods are a great indicator of the legitimacy of an online casino, but PayPal requires a special mention because of its history in the online payments processing market. Basically an online casino which supports betting with PayPal is about as solid as any form of online business can get because since PayPal is at liberty to pick and choose which customers it works with, it basically bases that choice on the perceived legitimacy of those customers it processes payments for.