How to Write Authentic Travel Blog Entries

In my opinion, authenticity in travel writing is necessary.

If you want to write authentic travel articles, the process is not too different from the process for writing an authentic story. It’s about focusing on a story in a way that tells your story in a different way.

Here’s how to write authentic travel articles that get readers to connect with your story.

Do your research

What do people say about the place you’re visiting? Read what other bloggers have written about that place or solicit some content writing service provider to discuss the topic from what will be their informational point of view. You can then personalise the content later with your own experience of the destination or topic. Search for reviews on the topic. Many bloggers are actively writing about the place, or sometimes the place comes up because you’ve just read about it on another blog.

Once you’re in the destination, look for tour guides. Talk to them if you don’t speak the language. Ask them what they like about the place. Find out what they want you to do, or what they want you to see. Find out what the culture there is like, what the current events are in the country, or what the politics are there.

This is an excellent place to have a conversation. Not a debate. If you do talk politics with people, a healthy debate isn’t a bad thing. But be careful, as your conclusions are important to the story you are telling.

Keep it neutral

There are places in the world that are sensitive or potentially dangerous. Even if you’re telling a positive story about the place, you don’t want to be overly positive. Use language that’s neutral. Use neutral images. Don’t comment on the features or the resources of the place.

If you describe the scenery, talk about things like the water, the skies, the plants, the animals, etc. Avoid words like beautiful. Use neutral descriptions.

Show, don’t tell

There are two different styles of writing. Show is using actual images to show how the place looks. Don’t describe it. Instead, show pictures of what it’s like. Show what the animals are doing, what the sun looks like, what the clouds look like. This is the type of writing that people read to learn and see, and they learn by seeing the images.

Tell is describing what it is like. Use language that is very descriptive. Don’t say, “it was kind of gray and it was cold.” Instead, say that it was kind of cold, or that it was kind of gray. A reader can tell if something is cold or kind of gray, but they can’t tell if it’s kind of gray.

The more that you show, the less that you tell.

Show your passion

When writing your travel stories, your passion for the place you are visiting will show. People will want to read what your love of the place is like. You might not need to worry about getting more people to read your blog as that can be accomplished by optimizing your blog page with the help of SEO services. However, writing in a passionate way can actually encourage your readers to spend more time reading your posts.

You can show that passion by emphasizing how much you love the place, or by describing things that happened to you. But do keep it fairly neutral. Don’t talk about the culture in a bad way, or say that the culture is bad. Your goal is to tell your story in a way that gets readers to connect with your story. So don’t try to “win over” your readers.
