To get the most out of your next hiking trip, you need to ensure that you pack correctly. With limited space available in your pack, you need to utilise the space that you do have wisely. It’s important that you have everything that you need but that you avoid overpacking. You need to be able to access your gear when you need it and make sure that your pack is comfortable to carry so you enjoy your time on the trails.
Rather than just stuffing your things into your pack, you should take a careful and considered approach to how you pack. It’s important to consider what you bring, what supplies you can share the load of and how you can best use the space in your backpack. Think about how the trip is likely to unfold and when you will need what items so that you can plan your space correctly. For example, you will be wearing your hiking boots throughout the day, so you won’t need space for them in your bag but you might need a plastic bag to keep them dry at night if you are camping. Thinking ahead will help you to plan with more certainty and ensure that you pack correctly for the adventure ahead.
Let’ take a look at a few useful tips to help you to maximise the space in your pack for your next hike.
Bring Only What You Need
The best way to save space in your pack is to only bring items that you actually need. Choose lightweight, fast-drying clothing and items that have multiple uses. Remember that items like first aid kits, shelters, stoves and other communal items can be shared among the group so that everyone carries some of the load. Minimising what you bring will naturally give you more pack space to work with.
Use Compression Bags
Compression bags are lightweight bags that can help you to save a significant amount of room in your pack. Simply roll up your clothes, put them into the bag, compress all of the air out and seal the bag. Not only will this save you space, but compression bags can also help you to keep your things organised if you group similar items together and use different coloured bags.
Pack Larger Items First
If you are going on a longer hiking trip and you will be camping, you could have a few bulkier items that will need to fit into your pack. Placing bulky items at the end of your pack will also help to balance your bag better and make it more comfortable to carry when you’re hiking.
Roll Your Clothes
The number one space-saving rule when you’re packing a backpack is to forget about folding your clothes. Rolling your clothes tightly will help you to save space in your pack and allow you to keep your clothes neat and tidy in your pack. Squeezing the air out of your clothes by rolling them will save you more space than you might imagine and you will be able to squeeze rolled garments into virtually any bit of extra space you can find.
Empty Your Containers
For travellers carrying medication, vitamins or anything else that is in a hard shell container, consider emptying the contents into a zip lock bag instead. A fix-sized container will always take up the same amount of space, regardless of how empty or full it is. A zip lock bag, on the other hand, takes up less space, they can be manipulated to fit into awkward spaces and they will be lighter in your pack than a hard-shell container.
Make The Most Of The Space In Your Backpack
To make the most out of the limited space you have available in your pack, you need to plan and prepare ahead of time. With a little thought, you will be able to minimise what you need to bring, share the carriage of larger items and ensure that you have enough room for what you need. Having your bag packed correctly will ensure that you are comfortable on the trails and that you are fully prepared for your next hiking adventure.