Going to Canada when Quarantine is Over: How to Plan a Trip Beforehand

Are you planning a trip to Canada? Whether you are planning a trip for a year, six months, a family visit, or to see what the country has to offer. 

You should know a few things besides finding a reliable immigration and travel agent to Canada, especially in days when COVID-19 has hit the world. 

We have compiled a few helpful tips to help you prepare for your visit to Canada, including new travel laws and requirements introduced by the Canadian Government in connection with COVID 19 and after the quarantine is over.

Therefore, you should know how to plan your trip. Also, what to prepare for when you are departing and what to do when you arrive.

Here we go!

Before You Leave

Here are a few things that you may want to consider before you leave:

Read About The Country 

Canada is a diverse country with diverse landscapes, climate, and cities. It will help you to find out what to expect at your destination as you pack your bags and get ready for your trip. 

The best way to learn is to do some research by reading blogs and searching online. It is highly recommended to look at the new COVID-19 requirements about the area that you are visiting. It is also a good idea to look for a face mask for sale that will fit the requirements. You don’t want to get to the airport only to be sent away because your face mask doesn’t meet the right standards.

Find Out What Travel Documents Or Permits You Will Need 

The Government of Canada has a simple test on its website that you can use to find out if you will require any visa to visit Canada. 

If you want to work in Canada or study in Canada, you may need a permit, like a working holiday visa for Canada. Leave enough time to apply for the documents you need to travel.

Plan Your Trip 

You should write a journal that lists the places you want to visit in Canada and the activities that you want to do. Keep your itinerary at hand to know where you are going next!

Purchase Travel Insurance

It is essential to take out suitable travel insurance to help protect yourself and your loved ones financially in case of an emergency during your trip to Canada. Make sure you buy travel insurance before you leave to avoid delays in coverage. A trusted, licensed Canadian insurance broker can help you. 

When You Depart

When you are leaving for Canada, consider the following things:

Have Your Documents In Order

Make sure all documents are in order, including proof of coverage. Your documents should be one of the first things on the packing list. It is essential to have your passport, any visas and permits, travel tickets, and proof of travel insurance with you. You should keep them in an easily accessible place on your way to Canada.

Medical Prescriptions

Make sure you have all the medications and prescriptions you need. Keep it at hand and carry it with you in case of loss or delay! Customs officials may ask to see the prescriptions and want the medicine in its original packaging. If you need to take your medicine with you, make sure it is properly labeled and documented. Here is a list of documents that customs officials can ask you to see.

Prepare Canadian Cash For Emergencies. 

Most places in Canada accept credit cards on the road. However, for small purchases, such as food, and in an unexpected emergency, you may want to be able to pay right away, and cash is the best way.

Pack The Right Clothes

Pack clothes that match the climate of the province/territory you are visiting. Check the weather forecast for the destination you are going to and pack clothes that match the days you come to Canada. 

If you will be in the country for more than one season, pack the lightest clothes first. You can always buy bulky things, such as winter coats, when you arrive unless you need them immediately (in which case, it may be best to wear your jacket when you travel!).

 When You Arrive

Upon arrival it is recommended that you consider the following things:

  • Make sure your documents are in hand and ready to be presented to customs officials. It is a simple but sometimes forgotten advice. Having your documents on hand when you go through Customs will make the process easier for everyone involved.
  • Make sure you know the address you are traveling to and the reason for your visit. These are common questions asked at immigrant interviews. A list of other questions that officials are likely to ask you can be found on the Government of Canada website.
  • If you do not meet friends or family on arrival, plan to take public transport to your final destination. There are many ways to get around Canada. The place you are visiting can have trains, light rail, the subway system, buses, shuttles, taxis, ride-sharing programs, and more! You can often learn how to get to your final destination at your port of arrival at the information desk. 
  • Researching before you arrive in Canada can reduce stress after a long journey. You should find out in advance how to get to each destination during your journey to Canada.

Travelers Without Any Symptoms of COVID-19 Returning to Canada

Though quarantine may be over in many places, there are still requirements to do so around the world. Here are some of the conditions and procedures to follow when you travel to Canada:

Mandatory Quarantine

The Canadian Government has taken drastic measures to slow down the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in Canada. 

It is mandatory to stay in quarantine for 14 days and observe symptoms to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19. It is according to the Canadian Order (Mandatory Isolation) No. 2.

Your compliance with this order is subject to monitoring, verification, and enforcement. Violators may face detention in a quarantine facility and fines or even imprisonment.

You Must Quarantine Without Delay

  • Go to quarantine immediately and stay there for 14 days from the day you arrive in Canada. If you show any symptoms of the virus, or if you have been exposed to another person who has signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
  • You should not be quarantined in a place where you have contact with vulnerable people, including those with a basic disease, a compromised immune system as a result of medical condition or treatment, or people 65 years of age or older.
  • Make sure you have a suitable quarantine location where you have everything you need to live.
  • You should wear an appropriate mask or face shield, especially during travel.
  • Always practice physical distance.
  • If possible, use private transport, such as a private taxi or car.
  • Do not make stops that are unnecessary on the way to quarantine.
  • Avoid contact with other people while driving:
  • You should stay in the car as long as possible
  • Do not stay in a hotel
  • If you need a gasoline, pay at the pump
  • If you need food, use the drive-through option
  • If you need to use the rest area, wear a mask, be aware of physical distance, and practice good hygiene.

Monitor Your Health For 14 Days

You should closely monitor your health. You should pay attention to the following signs and symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty Breathing

If you have started symptoms of COVID-19 (shortness of breath, cough, or have a fever of 38 °C or higher, or signs of fever such as shivering, red skin, excessive sweating), you should do the following:

  • Isolate yourself from others
  • Call the health authority immediately and describe your symptoms and travel history and follow their instructions.

When You Are In Quarantine

If you end up in quarantine you should do the following: 

  • Wash your hands regularly with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds at a time. If it is not possible, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • Do not touch the face
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your arm, not your hand
  • Limit contact with other people within the quarantine. It includes children and those who have not traveled or been exposed to the virus.

What You Should Do

  • Stay in quarantine
  • Do not leave the quarantine area unless you seek medical attention
  • Do not use public transport (for example, buses, taxis)
  • Do not have visitors
  • You should not attend work, school, or other public places
  • Arrange for necessities (such as food, medicine, cleaning supplies) to be delivered to the quarantine.

To Sum Up

The time that we are living has truly changed. However, it is still possible to enjoy your visit to Canada. You should be prepared to take the necessary precautions against COVID-19 and adhere to the country’s procedures.

Besides, COVID-19 has not changed the beauty of the country and all you can do there!
