Common Practice Areas of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The role of criminal defense lawyers is to defend the rights of those accused of a crime. They can provide legal representation and legal advice for those who have been charged with criminal offenses such as theft, murder, and sexual assault. The defense lawyers in the Syracuse office will conduct an investigation to determine if their client is guilty as charged or not guilty as charged.

Since criminal law is an expansive topic, criminal defense lawyers can specialize in many different areas of the law. The most common ones are drug offense lawyer and ones who take up cases related to property, including theft or burglary, or defending people who are accused of committing a crime against another person. Criminal defense lawyers are also often called upon to defend people accused of violating immigration laws or those on death row.

Let us now see the most common practice areas of criminal defense lawyers in Syracuse.

  1. Assaults

The recent sexual assault scandals have led to an increase in the number of cases being reported. Every day, citizens are increasingly aware of how to file a report and the resources available for victims, which is leading to more people coming forward with their stories. In Syracuse, New York, there were 2001 cases reported in 2018 alone. This is a 12% increase from 2017-2018. The most common age bracket that reports assaults is between 18 and 25 years old.

  1. Sex offenses

Twenty-one percent of adults in the United States will commit at least one sexual offense in their lifetime. This statistic is alarming, not only because it is higher than other types of crimes but also because of the likelihood of reoffending increases with age. The average age for sex crime offenders to be sentenced to prison is 74 years old. This is where firms such as Salwin Law Group and others like it come in. They specialize in sex crimes such as child pornography and sexual assault, having handled thousands of such cases. Generally not all criminal defense lawyers have the stomach for such cases, which is why it’s hard to find good ones.

  1. Federal crimes

Federal crimes are most common among people who travel across state lines, which makes it easy for them to break multiple state laws. Additionally, federal crimes carry heavier penalties than state violations and do not allow any plea agreements, meaning their punishment is predetermined instead of negotiated on a case-by-case basis. If you have been charged with any federal crime, it could be in your interest to hire an established Harrisburg PA criminal defense lawyer or a professional from another state to defend you in front of court.

  1. Theft

Theft crimes are on the rise in Syracuse, NY. In 2015, there were 3,980 reported thefts in the city of Syracuse. That number has increased by more than 1,000 since last year. Crime has been steadily rising since 2012, when 2,649 thefts were reported. Theft crimes are becoming increasingly common not only in Syracuse but also nationwide.

Infographic Created By Zoukis Consulting Group – Providing Legal Assistance To Those Incarcerated In theFederal Bureau of Prisons